Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Sword Duplication Bug from using Magic Sword Spell in Survival.
Magic Sword Focus can now be enchanted with Potency, which increases the Sword's Velocity, not damage.
Magic Sword Spell now uses more durability from the Sword.
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Fixes & Changes:
Apostle's are now unable to regenerate health for a certain amount time if damaged by an item enchanted with Smite. The time that the Apostle can't regenerate depends on the level of Smite Enchantment.
Players can see the time where the Apostle can't regenerate on the custom Boss Bar.
Abhorrent Titled Apostles no longer get Health Boost. Instead, the shoot Arrows tipped with Harming Effect. If their target is Undead, the arrows will be tipped with Healing Effect.
Pyre Lord Titled Apostles' arrows now inflicts Burn Hex.
Apostles can no longer be effected by harmful Potion Effects.
Apostles make no Ambient Sounds when not attacking. They are also less frequently make Ambient Sounds compared to before when attacking. This change is to make them more ominous.
Apostles will shoot Grand Lavaballs in first phase if difficulty is on Hard.
Apostle Spell Damage (ie, Fire Tornadoes, Fire Blasts, Roar, etc) can now be configured in goety.attributes.toml.
Apostles will immediately attack Wardens that are targeting them.
Apostles no longer damage Witches if they're in Water.
Lightning spawned by Apostle's Lightning Trap now deals spell damage from the new configuration.
Apostles' Arrow Rain damage now uses Apostle Bow Damage config.
Apostles now give 1000 Experience instead of 200.
Fixed Malghast's Grand Lavaballs not doing any terrain damage. They now do, but only if Mob Griefing is enabled.
Malghasts will not move and stay in position when shooting a fireball instead of constantly moving. This is to make them more easier to hit.
Malghast shooting animation is tweaked to be more similar to the old Vanilla Ghast animation before 1.3.1 version.
Fixed Malghast Hitbox being very wonky when its not looking horizontally.
Fixed Malghasts moving up in a straight line when not aggressive and after re-logging in.
Fixed Rampaging Axe bug where Players can activate Axe Explosion prematurely (It's suppose to activate once the Player obtains Rampage V).
Tweaked Forbidden Grass a bit to improve Mob Spawning.
Some spelling corrections in the Black Book.
Wayfarer's Belt. A new Belt Curio that allows you to move a bit faster, jump two blocks high and move up a block when walking. Crafted with some Leather, a Gale Fabric and a Gold Ingot on Magic Ritual.
Targeting Monocle. A Head Curio that allows Players to automatically lock on to a mob they are looking at when using a Wand or Staff. Crafted using a Glass Pane, some Leather, an Ectoplasm and a Gold Ingot on Magic Ritual.
Magic Sword Focus. Focus allows the caster to shoot out a copy of their Sword at a location or mob. Requires the caster to hold a Sword either offhand or on main hand to cast the spell. Uses said Swords durability with each cast.
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Fixes & Changes:
Improved Ice Chunk Animation massively.
Slightly improved Ice Chunk Area of Effect vertically.
Wraiths and Warlocks no longer spawn in Deep Dark.
Bartering with Witches/Warlocks in Creative no longer consumes Emeralds.
Villager, Illagers and other similar mobs no longer drop Tall Skulls if doMobLoot is false.
Fire Tornadoes don't fling Mobs with high Knockback Resistance too far. Mobs with 100% Knockback Resistance should not get fling at all.
Tweaked Warlock Sash's Texture to be, hopefully, less visceral looking.
Sculk Converters are now mineable with Hoes.
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Sculk Devourer crash when placed with an invalid Enchantment.
Fixed Soul Menderer not dropping itself.
Tweaked Dark Scythe Recipe to be similar to other tools. Replaced a Savage Tooth and a Haunted Log with a Cursed Ingot and Diamond.
Dark Scythes now have same durability as previously introduced tools, which by default is 1280.
Dark Scythes now require Cursed Ingots to be repaired in Anvil.
Eerie Pickaxes now attract Experience orbs.
Reduced number of Concentrated Emeralds needed to craft a Ring of Want from 4 to 1.
Tweaked Soul Menderer Recipe by replacing Shade Bricks with Concentrated Emerald and Mending Book with Music Disc 5.
Warlocks are no longer resistant to fire damage.
Wartlings now only store and take Harmful Potion Effects instead of just any Potion Effect.
Helmets taking damage when worn by Liches in Sunlight can be disabled through Config.
Sculk Converter. When placed below a Cursed Cage with a Totem of Souls/Transfer Gem and powered by Redstone, it will siphon some Soul Energy from it and spread Sculk around it.
Spider Nest. Crafted by surrounding a raw Vanilla Meat with Spider Eggs. When placed in dark areas, it will have a chance of creating a Cobweb around it. Has a low chance of spawning a Spider.
Warlock Sash and Robes. Sashes are either dropped rarely by Warlocks or crafted. Can be worn on Belt and replaces two of Witches Hat in Sabbat Ritual. Robes and Sash prevents damage when using Wartful Eggs and killing Spiders gives a higher chance of it dropping Spider Eggs. Warlock Robes also provides 85% Explosion damage resistance, provides 10% chance of not consuming a Wartful Egg and causes Witches and Warlocks to be Neutral and Barter-able.
Readded Advancements and Entries of Hunting Illagers from 1.16.5 version.
New 3D Model of Focus Bag that appears on Player when wearing it.
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Fixes & Changes:
Changed Textures for multiple Remnant Blocks.
Changed Torso Texture for Huskarls.
Fixed Soul Eating Totem Head crash when placed with certain enchantments.
Fixed Fire Spawn Cage not having a recipe.
Philosopher's Stone now fixes itself using Soul Energy.
Scythes now cut 5x5x1(or 5x1x5 if cutting on ground) formation instead of in a 5x5x5.
Helmets taking damage when being worn by a Lich in Sunlight can now be disabled through config.
Dark Altars now show Soul Particles when undergoing a ritual.
Removed Sentinel mob.
Removed Temp Web Block.
Dark Master Robe Set. Provides Diamond level protection. Can be crafted using the new End Ritual with 4 Dragons Breaths and 4 Cursed Ingots for each part. Only Dark Armored Helms, Robes and Leggings can be used to craft the Master Robe set.
End Ritual. The Ritual only requires the Dark Altar to be in The End. Dragon Fireball and Teleport Focus recipes are changed to use this ritual.
Pendant of Hunger. When worn in amulet slot, it absorbs up to, by default, 256 Rotten Flesh which is fed towards the wearer whenever they're hungry.
More Advancements relating to crafting and obtaining items.
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Cross-mod compatibility bug with Create that allows Players to craft Ritual items using Create's Mixing and Packing methods.
Fixed Soul Absorber Item Re-logging bug.
Forbidden Fragments and Pieces can be found in Ancient City chests.
Fixed Enviokers, Inquillagers and Conquillagers not appearing in Raids.
Villagers dying while infected with Illague now returns as Zombie Villagers.
Dark/Death Scythe and Philosopher's Mace names are now colored.
Scythes now cut 5x5x1(or 5x1x5 if cutting on ground) formation instead of in a 5x5x5.
Philosopher's Stone can now repair itself using Soul Energy.
Jade Tiles top texture have randomize orientation.
Iceology Focus now requires Sky Ritual instead of Storm Ritual.
If Apostle is despawned instead of killed and there's a Storm, the Storm stops.
Soul Menderer. Repairs an Item with Soul Energy. Repairs 1 point of damage and by default uses 5 Soul Energy per second.
Eerie Pickaxe. Extends Reach distance by 3. Breaking a Block with the Pickaxe causes the drops to instantly be collected. Makes Eerie noises from time to time. Replaces a Cursed Ingot in Philosopher's Mace recipe. Repaired with Cursed Ingot on Anvil.
Rampaging Axe. When Breaking Wood or Killing a Mob with it, it grants the user a new effect called 'Rampage' which increase Attack Damage by 1 and increases Attack Speed. Killing mobs/Chopping more wood amplifies effect until it reaches Rampage V where the next amplification spawns a non-block destructive explosion at the user, removing the effect. Repaired with Cursed Ingot on Anvil.
Graverobber's Shovel. Breaks blocks by 1x2x1 (or 2x1x1/1x1x2 when breaking below depending on view direction), where there's a chance loot from Zombies/Skeletons are dropped from said blocks. Only drops loot when breaking Dirt, Sand or Soul Sand blocks. Replaces a Cursed Ingot in Philosopher's Mace recipe. Repaired with Cursed Ingot on Anvil.
Hunter's Bow. Killing an Animal mob with it increases their loot drops as if they were killed with enchantment of Looting IV.
Pendant of Hunger. When worn in amulet slot, it absorbs up to, by default, 256 Rotten Flesh which is fed towards the wearer whenever they're hungry.
More Advancements relating to crafting and obtaining items.
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Cross-mod compatibility bug with Create that allows Players to craft Ritual items using Create's Mixing and Packing methods.
Fixed Soul Absorber Item Re-logging bug.
Iceology Focus now requires Air Ritual instead of Storm Ritual.
Wraiths now have 1.19.2 Particles.
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Fixes & Changes:
Wraiths should no longer target Liches.
Fixed Sapped Bug where it doesn't actually increase damage at higher levels. To compensate, Death Scythe's have a 10% of amplifying Sapped Effect instead of 50%.
Scythe Slashes cutting through blocks can now be disabled through Config.
Replace Blindness to Sapped from the Effects that can be given when under Illague.
Removed Ectoplasm from Abandoned Mineshaft Chest Loot Table.
Made Modded Items less likely to generate in Vanilla Structure Loot Tables.
Retextured Updraft Focus.
Sonic Boom Focus can now be Enchanted with Potency.
Tweaked Warlock Entry on the Black Book to mention how Villagers can be converted into Warlocks.
Added Gale Fabric recipe in Magical Fabric section in Black Book.
Jade. Replaces Cyan Dye in Gale Fabric recipe and Emeralds and two Cursed Ingot in Wind Staff recipe. Can be crafted into Decorative Blocks. Can be found in Ores at Mountain Biomes between Y-64 to Y-256. Can also be found in Wandering Traders rarely and in Pillager Outposts Chests.
Wind Blast Spell. A None Damaging Spell that knocks back mobs in front of Player.
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Fixes & Changes:
Liches now take damage from Health Potions and heal from Harming Potions.
Liches' no longer have Magic Resistance by default. Magic Resistance can be given back through config.
Wraiths and Dredens should no longer target Liches.
Fixed Sapped Bug where it doesn't actually increase damage at higher levels. To compensate, Death Scythe's have a 10% of amplifying Sapped Effect instead of 50%.
Scythe Slashes can cut through blocks that are harvestable by Hoe and Scythes. This can be disabled through Config.
Replace Blindness to Sapped from the Effects that can be given when under Illague.
Fire Tornadoes ends if Apostle is no longer hostile.
Pitchfork and Warped Spear have 2D Inventory Icon.
Tweaked Warped Spear first person render.
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Fixes & Changes:
Liches now take damage from Health Potions and heal from Harming Potions.
Liches' no longer have Magic Resistance by default. Magic Resistance can be given back through config.
Enviokers, Inquillagers and Conquillagers can now be part in Raids if there's a Player that have a lot of Soul Energy near or partaking in it.
Pillagers in Patrols immediately attack Players if they have high amounts of Soul Energy.
Wind Robe's Slow Fall no longer applies if Players are in Liquid or climbing.
Wind Robe's Slow Fall starts if Player falls for more than 2 Blocks, so jumping normally no longer activates it.
Piglins now run from Zombified Piglin Servants.
Warlocks are now Neutral towards Players that are wearing A Witches Hat and Robe.
Warlocks are now barterable and accept Emeralds like Witches towards Players wearing A Witches Hat and Robe.
Warlocks and Wraiths no longer spawn on Mushroom Biomes.
Changed Warlock's Texture.
Wartlings no longer push Mobs.
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed opening Creative Inventory Menu with a Dark Wand/Staff or a Focus Bag in Inventory removing any equipped Focuses on them bug!
Enviokers, Inquillagers and Conquillagers can now spawn naturally in Survival. They will chase after Players based of how much Soul Energy they have instead of Infamy like in 1.16.5.
Using Dark Wand and Staffs have a custom third person animation.
Tweaked Textures for Robes and other equip-able Curios.
Sculk Devourers can be enchanted with Radius and Soul Eater.
Focuses' Tooltips show the type of Spell the Spell is.
Scythe Slashes can cut through blocks that are harvestable by Hoe and Scythes.
Players can now gain Soul Energy via Servants killing mobs if wearing Necro Capes instead of just Dark Robes.
Fixed Forbidden Grass Block Loot Table.
Haunted Skulls are now properly categorized as Undead.
Player no longer needs to wear a Robe to drink Potion of Transformation.
Lightning summoned by Lightning Spell's damage is now configurable.
Climbing effect allows mobs to walk through Cobwebs without being slowed.
Changed Climbing effect icon.
Properly injected extra loot drops to mobs.
Fixed How Philosopher's Mace is held in third person.
Renamed Air Ritual to Sky Ritual.
Wind Robes. Wearing the Robes allows Players to slowly float down when falling, getting no fall damage draining a configurable amount of Soul Energy per second. The Robes also halves the Soul Energy amount needed to cast Wind Spells.
Updraft Blast Spell. Summons clouds at a location/mob's feet that, after a second, shoots mobs up in the air, dealing damage.
Added Loot for vanilla generated structures with some modded items.
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Fixes & Changes:
Fixed opening Creative Inventory Menu with a Dark Wand/Staff or a Focus Bag in Inventory removing any equipped Focuses on them bug!
Fixed Flying Sword server crash
Dark Staff attack damage is now configurable.
Increase Default amount of Infamy loss when Player dies.
- Infamy Removal Ritual. The Ritual removes the same amount of Infamy Players loses when dying from the Ritual's caster.
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WARNING: When on a Server, opening Creative Inventory Menu with a Dark Wand/Staff or a Focus Bag in Inventory will remove any equipped Focuses on them! Other menus shouldn't do this but please inform if it does!
Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Certain spells suddenly being overpowered (such as Biting Spell summoning 3 rows of fangs instead of one).
Different Staffs have individual configurable attack damage.
Replaced Empty Focus from Launching Focus recipe to Wind Core. Recipe now requires 6 items instead of 7.
Fixed Sonic Boom spell dealing a static 5 Hearts of Damage instead of the configured damage when directly hitting a mob.
Tweaked Sonic Boom text on Black Book.
Wind Staffs. Created using Air Ritual, using similar ingredients as Necro Staff only replace Ectoplasms with Emeralds and Spirit Fabric with Wind Core.
Flight Spell. Focus is crafted using materials from The End, such as an Elytra, and a couple of Shulker Shells and Dragon's Breath. Will cause the Player to fly towards where they're pointing by holding down right-click.
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WARNING: When on a Server, opening Creative Inventory Menu with a Dark Wand/Staff or a Focus Bag in Inventory will remove any equipped Focuses on them! Other menus shouldn't do this but please inform if it does!
Fixes & Changes:
Raiders and Illagers are now completely immune to Illague effect.
Fixed Lichdom Effect Removal Crash.
Fixed Attributes not reset when losing Soul Hunger Effect from Lichdom.
Fixed Bug where Liches can give Wither Effect when hitting mobs with items even when it's supposed to be given if Liches are barehanded(by default).
Added lich_wither_items tag that allows which items a Lich can hold to give Wither Effect. By default has "minecraft:air" on it.
Liches can cause Undead with more than 50 Health to attack their attackers if Lich Powerful Foes config is disabled.
Iron Golems now rely on visibility when targetting Liches (meaning they don't automatically know and attack Invisible Liches).
Snow and Iron Golems now attack Apostle's Zombie/Skeleton Villager and Zombified Piglin Servants and natural Wraiths.
Added Warlock to Raider tag.
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WARNING: When on a Server, opening Creative Inventory Menu with a Dark Wand/Staff or a Focus Bag in Inventory will remove any equipped Focuses on them! Other menus shouldn't do this but please inform if it does!
Fixes & Changes:
Made Rituals Block Requirements more Flexible. For example, Animation Rituals accepts Jack O' Lanterns, Magic Rituals accept 16 Blocks that have the word 'bookshelf' in description id.
Wraiths and derivative now have same model, texture and animation from the 1.19.2 version.
Raiders and Illagers are now completely immune to Illague effect.
Fixed Lichdom Effect Removal Crash.
Fixed Attributes not reset when losing Soul Hunger Effect from Lichdom.
Fixed Bug where Liches can give Wither Effect when hitting mobs with items even when it's supposed to be given if Liches are barehanded(by default).
Added lich_wither_items tag that allows which items a Lich can hold to give Wither Effect. By default has "minecraft:air" on it.
Liches can cause Undead with more than 50 Health to attack their attackers if Lich Powerful Foes config is disabled.
Iron Golems now rely on visibility when targetting Liches (meaning they don't automatically know and attack Invisible Liches).
Changed Launch Spell sound to the same one as 1.19.2 version.
Fire Spawn Cage sounds from 1.19.2.
Scythe sounds from 1.19.2.
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WARNING: When on a Server, opening Creative Inventory Menu with a Dark Wand/Staff or a Focus Bag in Inventory will remove any equipped Focuses on them! Other menus shouldn't do this but please inform if it does!
Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Arca Reset when entering Exit Portal in The End.
Fixed Iceology Focus Empty Focus bug.
- Readded Shielding Amulet, now renamed Soul Shield Amulet. Same recipe and function.
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WARNING: When on a Server, opening Creative Inventory Menu with a Dark Wand/Staff or a Focus Bag in Inventory will remove any equipped Focuses on them! Other menus shouldn't do this but please inform if it does!
Fixes & Changes:
Made Rituals Block Requirements more Flexible. For example, Storm Rituals accepts any type of non Waxed Copper Blocks, Animation Rituals accepts Jack O' Lanterns.
Fixed Adept Nether Ritual not using Block Requirements. Adept Nether Rituals accepts Basalt and Blackstone blocks of any kind, such as polished, chiseled slabs, stairs and walls.
Replaced Snow Block with Empty Focus for activation item of the Iceology Focus Recipe.
Improved Witch Bartering mechanic by fixing Witches taking more than one Emerald when holding right-click on them with multiple Emeralds and having them accept new Emeralds once bartering is finished nigh-instantly.
Renamed Servant Texture files from having minion in the name to servant.
Fixed Drowned Servant using Vanilla Texture for inner model.
Improved Wraith Texture and Model. Reduce size of Wraith's torso robe and improved Glow and Servant Band textures.
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WARNING: When on a Server, opening Creative Inventory Menu with a Dark Wand/Staff or a Focus Bag in Inventory will remove any equipped Focuses on them! Other menus shouldn't do this but please inform if it does!
Fixes & Changes:
Fixed Wartling null Mob Instance Effect Crash.
Nerfed Haunted Skull by reducing their health to 1 Heart, and make them last for 10 seconds, without enchantments.
Haunted Skull non-explosion damage can now be configured in the spells config.
Changed sound for shooting Soul Bolts.
Changed sound when Zombie Servants are summoned.
Tweaked Necro Crown's model by putting the crown a bit higher.
Tweaked Necro Staff third person position.
Improved Wraith Model, texture, particles and animation.
- Nameless Crown, Cape and Staff. Not fully implemented yet, no recipes for them, but they are intended to be upgrades to the Necro set that can only be made if Player has read Forbidden Scroll. Will be implemented once concept is improved. Currently powers up Soul Bolt and Mirror spells.
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WARNING: When on a Server, opening Creative Inventory Menu with a Dark Wand/Staff or a Focus Bag in Inventory will remove any equipped Focuses on them! Other menus shouldn't do this but please inform if it does!
Fixes & Changes:
Dark Scrolls now work within Structures that have the tag "on_woodland_explorer_maps".
Tweaked Haunted Sapling Texture to be more Sapling like.
Improved Haunted Skulls following navigation.
Haunted Skulls now immediately charge at enemies instead.
Haunted Skulls explosions don't damage drops if owner has enchanted Ring of Want.
Players swing their hand when bartering with Witches. (Which is possible by wearing Witches Hat and Robe with an Emerald if anyone asked)
Witches will now look at the Player when bartering.
Witches will stop bartering when taking damage, dropping the emerald they're holding.
Improved Witch Bartering Loot Table.
Warlocks are a new hostile mob that are similar but different to Witches.
They attack players by sending Wartlings, tiny spider-like mobs, at them.
Summoning a Wartling causes the creature to take and store a Status Effect from their Warlock. More info on Wartlings below.
If a player is close to them, they will throw Snap Fungi at the air, where they will fall around the Warlock, creating non-block damaging explosions and have a chance of leaving a small cloud of poison.
In Raids, they throw Berserk Fungi at Illagers, boosting their Strength and Speed.
They drop mostly fungi-related items.
They spawn rarely in Dark areas/Night, in Raids and can be found in new Mangrove Tower structure.
Mangrove Tower is a new structure that can only be found in Mangrove Swamps.
Can be summoned by Player using the new Wartful Egg, which is made by surrounding the new Spider Egg item with 4 Nether Warts.
Summoning a Wartling deals 1 Heart of damage.
If the Player has a Status Effect and summoned a Wartling, the Wartling will take and store the effect from the player.
The Wartling is NOT effected by the effect but merely storing it.
If the Wartling dies, the stored effect is released as a small cloud.
After 9 seconds, the Wartling will return to the Player, healing them with the amount of health the Wartling, and be removed.
If the Wartling is storing a Beneficial Effect, the Player will regain that effect from them.
If the Wartling is storing a Harmful Effect, it will avoid the player and die away from them.
Snap, Blast and Berserk Fungus:
Snap and Blast Fungus work similar to Minecraft Dungeon's Blast Fungus with some minor differences, with Snap Fungus having a smaller explosion radius and have a small chance of leaving a small cloud of poison.
Berserk Fungus works like a Splash Potion but with a smaller area of effect. They give Nausea, Strength and Speed for 10 seconds.
Snap Fungus is obtained by crafting a Snap Wart and planting it on a Crimson/Warped Stem or Hyphae, Stripped or not, where it will grow. Blast Fungus is obtained by surrounding a Ghast Tear with 4 Snap Fungus on a Crafting Table. Berserk Fungus is obtained by brewing Snap Fungi with a Lily of the Valley on a Brewing Stand.
Readded Forbidden Pieces, Fragments, Scrolls and Grass Block. Potion of Transformation now requires the Player to read a Forbidden Scroll much like in 1.16.5 version (can be disabled through Config).
Added Forbidden Piece to Witch Barter Loot Table.
Spider Eggs. They are dropped rarely by Spiders and can be used to brew Potions of Climbing, which gives the Player or mobs the ability to climb walls or to craft Wartful Eggs.
New Advancements for obtaining Witches Hat and Robe, Necro Crown, Cape and Staff and Dark Altar.
WARNING: When on a Server, opening Creative Inventory Menu with a Dark Wand/Staff or a Focus Bag in Inventory will remove any equipped Focuses on them! Other menus shouldn't do this but please inform if it does!
Fixes & Changes:
Tweaked Totem of Souls texture to be the same as the 1.19.2 version.
Doppelganger now uses slim Player Model if Player uses that model.
Casting Rotting Spell in the Nether causes the Caster to summon Zombified Piglin Servants much like in Goety 2.0.6, which can be disabled through config. Summoning a Zombified Piglin Servant will set the Player on Fire and gives Cursed effect for 15 seconds. Tweaked Rotting Focus and Zombie Servant entries in Black Book to mention this.
Fixed Wither Death sound not played when Player is revived by Arca.
Added Paintings in Illusioner's Room in Dark Manors.
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