- Add support for Mekanism.
- Dropping support for the version of 1.18.x & 1.19.x. From now on, I will maintain versions 1.20 or later. I find it much easier to maintain this support by using the string
. Although the resource pack itself will work in older versions, but they will not be taken into account when reporting the issue - Remove mod support: More Ore Stones.
- Resized file sized.
- Add support for mods "Oritech", "Create", "Actually Additions".
- Support for 1.21.4.
- (HOTFIX) Fixed textures model in Deeper and Darker.
- Remove Caves and Cliffs (backport 1.16.5), because dropped support for 1.16.x.
- Updated to 1.21.2/3.
- Dropped support version for 1.16.x, 1.17.x
- Update pack.mcmeta
- Fixed lapis ores emissives (1 pixel stones) 🙄
This is the last version of the resource pack with support for versions 1.16-1.17.1. With the next release 0.6.0 there will be a split of the resource pack into Vanilla¹ and Mods². The versions that will be supported are 1.18 and later, although the resource pack will run on older versions no support will be offered. As for mods, only the specified versions of the so-called best for mods.
- Add support mod "Clay Overhaul".
- Fixed missing block models in "Minecraft Vanilla", "Caves and Cliffs (backport to 1.16.5)".
- Fixed model block "deepslate_coal_ore" in Caves and Cliffs backport.
- Updated to 1.21
- New ore variants have been introduced for Minecraft Vanilla, Deeper and Darker, Weeping Angels & Universal Ores.
- Reduced file size in the resource pack.
- Updated to 1.20.5(6)
- Added support for ores from the mod Weeping Angels
- Added mod support Deeper and Darker.
- Update from 1.20.3(4).
- Added mod support for Universal Ores
- Updated to 1.20.2 with maintained backward compatibility
- Add string