- Fixes crash when clicking certain buttons.
- Removed Lazy Language Loader.
- Added Bedrerodium.
- Bedrock performance.
- Added Language Reload.
- Does what Lazy Language Loader did.
- 1.21.4 Version.
- 1.21.4 version.
- Slim version for people with really low-end computers.
- Remember, this slim version is only if you are going to be only playing on servers -- or if your PC is really not the best...
- Fixed slight issue with LazyDFU.
- Updated mods.
- Removed some problem mods.
- Fixed issue with AuthMe.
- Made a slimmed version.
- For users who only play on servers and not Singleplayer.
- This removes some mods used for world loading and generation.
- Updated to 1.20.3.
- Slimmed modpack a little more.
- Removed edge-case performance mods.
- Added a zoom mod.
- Updated mods.
- Cleaned up mods list.
- Removed some unnecessary mods.
- Added a zoom mod.
- Removed some problematic mods.
- Updated mods.
- Removed Moonshine.
- Added back C2ME.
- Added back FerriteCore
- Removed other unneccessary mods.
- Removed FerriteCore as it was throwing errors.
- Added initial mod set.
- Added initial mod set for 1.21.