[Release]Adaptive 1.5.1 for 1.21.4
- Bobby
- Combat Hitboxes
- Entity Model Features
- Entity Texture Features
- FerriteCore
- Flashback
- AppleSkin
- Not Enough Animations
- noisium
- minitweaks
- carpet
[Beta]Adaptive 1.5.0 for 1.21.4
Removed because the mod isnt updated:
- Noisium
- Alin Perspective
- Minitweaks
- Chat Patches
- Searchables
- Smooth Scrolling Refurbished
- Controlling
- Better Ping Display
- Carpet mod
- Restore Chat links
- Appleskin
- NotEnoughAnimations
- Bobby
- Flashback
Removed due to incompatible:
- Entity Model Features
- Entity Texture Features
- FerriteCore
- CDNPerspective 3D
- Compacting
[Release]Adaptive 1.4.2 for 1.21.3
Added some QoL suff and removed some mods
- Deleted most Config files to allow for more customizability on the users end
- Chat Heads
- Fabric API
- Flashback
- Iris
- Lithium
- More Culling
- Placeholder ApI
- Simple Voice Chat
- Sodium
- Sodium Extra
Added :
- Restore Chat Links
- Better Ping Display [Fabric]
- Simple Update Checker
- Controlling
- Searchables
- TweakerMore
- ChatHighlighter
- Resourcify to combat bloat
[Release]Adaptive 1.4.1 for 1.21.3
Just removing mods which got replaced by other mods in the last update
- Effect Timer Plus
- More Chat History
- TnT Timer
[Release] Adaptive 1.4.0 for 1.21.3
Moving to full release since most features are now available for 1.21.3, this does not mean that there will be no futher updates for 1.21.3
- nametag tweaks
- xaeros world and mini map
- Not enough animantions
- No Chat Reports
- Entity culling
- Stop Dropping Sprint
- Better Suggestions
- Lithium
- noisium
- appleskin
- Inventory HUD+
- Flashback
- AlinPerspective
- Chat Patches
- third Person nametag
- Compacting
[Beta]Updated to 1.21.3
some mods are marked as substitutes([sub]) because they will be replaced by other mods when they update
- World edit
- Third Person Nametag
- MoreCulling
- WI Zoom
- Sodium Extra
- Carpet mod
- Minitweaks
- Resourcify
- ImmediatelyFast
- Smooth Scrolling Refurbished
- Chat Calc [sub]
- Entity Texture Features
- Entity Model Features
- CleanView
- ferritecore
- ok zoomer
- updated some mods
some mods are marked as substitutes([sub]) because they will be replaced by other mods when they update
mods added:
- JoinAutoSprint
- ChatHighlighter
- TnT Timer [sub]
- Compacting
- EffectTimerPlus [sub]
- More Chat History
- Ok Zoomer [sub]
removed mods because the authors haven't upadated them yet:
- Searchables
- Entity Model Features
- Lithium
- AutoSprintFix
- WorldEdit
- Model Gap Fix
- Nametag Tweaks
- Controlling
- Sodium Extra
- CIT Resewn
- FabricSkyBoxes
- EntityCulling
- MiniTweaks
- Resourcify
- Xaero's Minimap
- WI Zoom
- ImmediatelyFast
- Noisium
- AppleSkin
- FerriteCore
- Flashback
- Smooth Scrolling Refurbished
- FabricSkyBoxes Interop
- No Fog
- Continuity
- NotEnoughAnimations
- CalcMod
- Eating Animation
- CustomHud
- Combat Hitboxes
- Xaero's World Map
- Indium
- AlinPerspective
- DeftuLib
- Entity Texture Features
- No Chat Reports
- Carpet Mod
- Inventory HUD +
- CleanView
- upadated some mods
- removed replay mod and replay mod record voice Chat addon
- tweaked configs
added Flashback added cit respawn added Combat hitboxes
- added better shields
- added capes mod
lazy sry
- immediatly fast
- Continuity
- Nametag tweaks
- gamma utils
- cloth config
- Carpet mod
- Mini Tweaks
- WI Zoom
- calc mod
- Dynamic FPS
Updated to 1.21
Chat heads
deftulib(will be removed)
Fabric lang kotlin
FabricSkyboxes interop
Mod Menu
More chat history(will be replaced by chat patches)
ok zoomer
Simple voice chat
Sodium Extra
Totem Counter
Adaptive 1.2.4
Mods added:
- Freecam
Mods removed:
- More chat history
Adaptive 1.2.3
Mods added:
- zoomify
- eating animation
- world edit
- bobby
- shulker box tooltip
- custom hud
- appleskin
- Blur+
- indium
- Contintuty
- inventory HUD +
- More Chat history
- midnight lib
- totem counter
- ukus armor HUD
- TierTagger
- auto sprint fix
- carpet mod
- Caroet TIs addition
- mini tweaks
- totem counter
- nametag tweaks
Removed: chat tools
Added :
- calc
- Effect timer plus
- Chat Tools
- Capes
- Cloth Config
- Craft Persence
- Entity culling
- Fabric lang kotlin
- Fabricskyboxes
- Fabricskyboxes Interop
- FerriteCore
- Gamma utils
- ImmediatleyFast
- Iris
- KelUI
- Lithium
- Mod Menu
- Not enoughAnimations
- Resourcefy
- Sodium extra
- Xaero minimap
- Xaero World map
updated to 1.20.6
mods in this version:
- sodium
- Simple Voice chat
- Chat heads
- dynamic FPS
- Immediatly fast
- WI Zoom
- added xaeros minimap
- added xaeros worldmap
- added Simple HUD
- added Auto sprint fix
- added Effect timer status
- removed pixel Hud
- added OptiGUI
- added KelUI ❤️
- added fullbright
- added zoomify
- added modmenu
- added dynamic FPS
- added entity Culling
- added fabric skyboxes
- added fabric skyboxes Interop