fixed soymilk bittern recipe
fixed inject loottable
fixed crash when morijio deny the monster spawn
fixed zombie siege deny range
Create patchouli_books/zh_cn(thanks mlbhc!)
hell,soul tofu now need to bittern instead crimson bottle or warped bottle(Hell Tofu need Warped. and soul Tofu need crimson bottle)
add Shroomlight bottle(you can get it when using bottle for Shroomlight)
fixed warden mixin
Update zh_cn.json(thanks mlbhc!)
now water bottle usable in saltpan
Update zh_cn.json(thanks mlbhc!)
retexture soybean!
update and support to 20.2.59-beta
natto cob web entity now directional!
fixed treat event
tofunain model fix
more accurate gandlem animation
fixed action time not reset
now gandlem do the shoot tofu slime if charged!
if gandlem strafing. start move down
fixed neoforge mixin for newer version
update to neoforge!
if FaceSturdy is true. do the tofu harden(so now stone stair and slab can harder tofu)
fixed tofunian animations
tofunian texture update
fixed infinity golem spawn
slab and stair tag fixed
avoid tofunian animation
Change log
during on the halloween day in real time. tofunian do the halloween
If you give the tofunian's favorite item(such as tofu cookie. not the tofu it self). tofunian give the reward for you!
If you don't give for tofunian, tofunian will cry! what have you done!
when you guard tofu gandlem rush. tofu gandlem is stunning
shudofu spider now correct leg postion
support the team battle!
tofu work station recipe more usable
soy healthy effect add(when drink soymilk it happened and reduce the cause FoodExhaustion
fixed tofu tool repair and insert tofu energy is not correct
Fixed Some Tofu Tool cannot repaired
fixed tofu tool repair and insert tofu energy is not correct
backport 1.20.2 feature(Tofu Industry is add This version too!)
+Add Reflect Tofu Shield
+add Tofu Work Station(Main use is Craft Tofu Industry Items Such as Relfect Shield)
+TF Storage can make Tofu Energy from Tofu or Soybean!
+using tofu energy with repair tofu tool!
+traveler tofunian texture updated
fixed tofu energy not consumed
Tofu Industry is back!
Add Reflect Tofu Shield
add Tofu Work Station(Main use is Make Tofu Industry Items Such as Relfect Shield)
TF Storage can make Tofu Energy from Tofu or Soybean!
using tofu energy with repair tofu tool!
traveler tofunian texture updated