fixed tofu statue poi cannot remove
add tofu diamond (or soy sculk) only enchantment(Such as Drain. Batch. Effect Resistance)
This enchantment only obtain Tofunian Statue Gift's reward
add Drain Enchantment(If you attacked enemy. healing you)
add Batch Enchantment(you can do the hole mining easier!) add Effect Resistance(Prevent apply the Negative Effect for you)
bit reduce Shudofu Spider Attack Damage
reduce Tofu Diamond Armor Valve(because of Enchant Update)
fixed server crash
fixed player cannot join in server
fixed tofucraft_world_data saved data crash
fixed statue happy tag
add tofunian statue(If you offer food that suits their taste, they will give you a reward as a thank you. It has cooldown.) (If you keep giving, the rewards will become more luxurious.)
tofunian now meeting around the statue.
add tofunian statue(If you offer food that suits their taste, they will give you a reward as a thank you. It has cooldown.)
(If you keep giving, the rewards will become more luxurious.)
tofu work station jei menu fix
tofunian now meeting around the statue.
fixed translate for zunda template
fixed bowl food item stack
backport 1.20.4 misc mechanic and texture(crimson and warped fluid) zn_cn version's patchouli add
backport tofubrick variant
backport tofu gandlem mechanic
backport tofu castle protection
backport tofu village
backport zunda mushroom feature
fixed tofu farmland cannot moist
tofu gandlem now has charge health and reduced damage(no longer random)
tofu castle now immunite explosion until defeat
change zunda tofu village structure
tofu castle protection system changed
fixed recipe error
fixed tofu network and tf antenna is wrong
fixed recipe is not correct
readd zunda brick variant and fix soul tofu recipe
add egg tofu brick variant
new torch and ladder variant. soul and hell
change tf Oven Recipe(need to tofu Workstation)
Improve Tofu WorkStation menu(now with Recipe Book)
change TFCrafter Recipe