tofu stick loottable more obtainable
some tofu material can trim on armor!
tofu stick loot table bit changed
when not glowable. bonemeal not affect
fixed tofu ishi harden even tofu tree
soyhealth system overhaul
tofu template copy system now like vanilla!
leek growing fixed
fixed planks tag not correct
port to 1.20
fixed traveler tofunian not spawn
leek now growing to big
frog now eat tofu slime(also when tofu slime doing the convating the zunda and frog eat...?)
more compostable item
tofu fried. tofu fried pouch. and oage saturation changed
add leek planks and leek green planks!(Thanks Majin!)
add wooden fence gate and recipe fix
legacy resourcepack icon changed
backport from 1.19.4
tofu portal now no longer need corner!
fixed background bgm force change and add missing tags
soyoil recipe changed
some tofunian event is disabled
tofu foods saturation increased
shudofu spider fight is now more fair fight(grasp pre animation. natto cob web no drown. grasp attack now affect special boss(such as ender dragon) entity but don't make riding)
piglin now fear soul soybean item
fixed not emissive
nerf tofu gandlem(again)
tofu world sky color changed
fixed one song not used
fixed tofunian cannot run away from gandlem or shudofuspider
fixed salt furnace's screen is something wrong
when you do the archeology in tofu castle... sometime you can find the... banner!?
add new tags from 1.19.4
readd tofucraft legacy pack
tofunian model fixed and tofunian traveler eye layer add
support tags from 1.18.2
Fix Soy health by delete SoyHealthDrinkedMessage (Sync using other method), Force SoyHealthCap on player Fix Rice crop renderLayer to cutout. Add more tags