Added support for translating entries in the config screen (translated for English and Polish for now, you can help with other languages by creating a Pull Request on GitHub!)
Removed field descriptions as comments in the servercountryflags.properties file (probably unnecessary, since there is a GUI)
Fixed crash on server-side if Cloth Config is installed (both are client-sided mods, but still)
- Fixed theoretical crash if we didn't have a flag for a country
- Fixed some things with unknown/cooldown states when "Reload on refresh" is disabled
- Added categories to the config menu
- Border color RGB values are constrained to 0-255
Added config support using Cloth API (+ Mod Menu for Fabric), optional
Fixed an occasional crash when network interfaces change (thanks Finoway!)
Added a new cooldown flag when the API is on cooldown instead of spamming requests and getting 429s
Changed tooltips in the Server Map screen