- Updated to NeoForge 1.21.1
- Updated to Fabric 1.21.1
- Updated to Forge 1.21.1
- Updated to NeoForge 1.21.3
- Fixed compass also performing offhand item action after opening GUI
- Updated to Fabric 1.21.3
- Fixed compass also performing offhand item action after opening GUI
- Updated to Forge 1.21.3
- Fixed compass also performing offhand item action after opening GUI
- Fixed uncraftable Nature's Compass recipe
- Updated to Forge 1.21
- Updated to Fabric 1.21
- Updated to NeoForge 1.21
- Fixed uncraftable Nature's Compass recipe
- Updated to Forge 1.20.6
- Hid biomes with the c:hidden_from_locator_selection from appearing in the compass GUI
- Updated to Fabric 1.20.6
- Hid biomes with the c:hidden_from_locator_selection from appearing in the compass GUI
- Updated to Fabric 1.20.5
- Hid biomes with the c:hidden_from_locator_selection from appearing in the compass GUI
- Updated to NeoForge 1.20.6
- Hid biomes with the c:hidden_from_locator_selection from appearing in the compass GUI
- Updated to NeoForge 1.20.5
- Hid biomes with the c:hidden_from_locator_selection from appearing in the compass GUI