Release 1.3.3 for MC 1.12.x
- Fixed some shaped table recipes showing incorrectly in JEI
- Removed some items from the OreDictionary to prevent exploits
Release 1.3.2 for MC 1.12.x
- Fixed combination crafting ignoring NBT
Release 1.3.1 for MC 1.12.x
- Added a config option for the catalyst required to make Singularities
- Fixed the arrow in the Quantum Compressor GUI not rendering properly for recipes with large power requirements
- Fixed the Quantum Compressor ejecting ItemStacks with larger than max stack sizes
- Fixed the Quantum Compressor overwriting NBT tags
- This means you can no longer insert or eject multiple of the same item with different NBT tags
Release 1.3.0 for MC 1.12.x
- Added an in-game guide book
- Improved the Quantum Compressor model
- The Quantum Compressor will now render a hologram of the item it's crafting in-world
- Changed and improved a lot of textures, most notably Singularities and Catalysts
- Renamed catalysts and components, removing "crafting" from the names
- Renamed all of the Ultimate items to The Ultimate
- Improved the GUIs of all the blocks
- Recipe Maker: added a config option to disable using the OreDictionary
- Recipe Maker: added a config option to enable NBT support
- Fixed energy bars not rendering correctly in machines with large energy capacities
Release 1.2.2 for MC 1.12.x
- Fixed the automation interface deleting items when auto eject is enabled and the input stack doesn't fit in the output
- Recipe Maker:
- Shaped recipes will now be copied with returns after each grid row
- Fixed some null items still being written as normal items
- Fixed shapeless recipes having an extra comma at the end in most cases
Release 1.2.1 for MC 1.12.x
- Added the Recipe Maker item
- right clicking on an extended crafting table or ender crafter with it will copy the grid contents as a crafttweaker script to your clipboard
- theres one for shaped and shapeless recipes
- Cleaned up a couple code things
Release 1.2.0
- Added the Ender Crafter - a QED clone by BlakeBr0, that can be automated using the Automation Interface!
- Added crafting components: Ender Nugget/Ingot/Block, Ender Star, Ender Star Nugget/Block, Enhanced Ender Nugget/Ingot/Block
- Added an Auto EJect ability to the Automation Interface, which makes it so any item that cannot be inserted into the table gets automatically placed in the output slot of the interface (off by default, can be turned on in the interface config)
- Updated cucumber to 1.0.4
- Fixed Combination Crafting not accepting all entries in an OreDictionary value
Release 1.1.3
- Made the Combination Crafting JEI category a little larger
- Fixed the Quantum Compressor's material bar extending forever past the limit
Release 1.1.2
- Made the crafting table a useless decoration block because it was broken and couldn't be fixed
Release 1.1.1
- Fixed the Automation Interface not accepting energy
- Fixed custom Singularity recipes using the wrong catalyst
Release 1.1.0
- Added the Automation Interface
- Used to automate basic -> ultimate tables (place it on top of the table)
- Set up a recipe in the table then save the recipe in the interface
- Put items in and it'll evenly distribute them inside the grid
- It will autocraft completed recipes
- It also has auto insert and auto extract for extra power creep and convenience
- Changed the Singularity texture
- Fixed OreDictionary ingredients being nothing in table recipes
- Fixed a couple items having the wrong recipes
- Fixed an issue with shift clicking in the Quantum Compressor
Release 1.0.4
- Increased the default item consumption speed of the Quantum Compressor to 4 items/t
- Added a config option for the item consumption rate of the Quantum Compressor
- Fixed issues with Quantum Compressor recipes using OreDictionary inputs
Release 1.0.3
- Fix issues with recipe removal
- Fix singularity recipes using the wrong catalyst
Release 1.0.2
- Added some new crafting blocks/items
- Crystaltine Ingot, Block, Nugget, Crafting Catalyst, Crafting Component
- Ultimate Ingot, Block, Nugget, Catalyst, Component (ultimate ingot currently has no default recipe)
- Trimmed Block of Black Iron variants for Crystaltine and Ultimate
- Black Iron Rod
- Block of Nether Stars and Nether Star Nugget
- Added new models for the Crafting Tables
- Added the storage blocks to the OreDictionary
- Fixed being able to place torches on the sides of pedestals
Release 1.0.1
- Added decorative blocks with the different table side textures
- Added Diamond and Emerald nuggets
- Added Black Iron Lamps made with Glowstone and Luminessence
- Added a Block of Luminessence
- You can now extract from all sides except the top from the Quantum Compressor
- Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when adding a table recipe with varying row sizes
- Fixed some table recipes showing up in the wrong JEI categories
Release 1.0.0
- Initial release