Crabber's Delight 1.1.0
- Ported to 1.20.1
Crabber's Delight 1.1.0
- Added Crab Traps
- Slowly will collect resources over time
- Speed can be configured in the config options
- Operate with no bait and collect all forms of seafood, but putting in different fish will yield specific seafood
- Added "Nautilus Shell Blocks" which are both a storage block for nautilus shells, and also a rotate-able decoration block
- Added new "Stuffed Nautilus Shell" food item
- All seafood, except for the clam, can be turned into a cooked variant by boiling them in the Farmer's Delight cooking pot to emulate how it is done in real life
- The pearl texture has been entirely overhauled
- Handful of bug fixes and code fixing
Crabber's Delight 1.0.3
- Added config options to enable or disable trading with the villager and wandering villager
- Master Fisherman will buy pearls from the player (if trading is enabled)
- Increased odds of getting pearls from a clam to be a 50% chance
Crabber's Delight 1.0.2
- Added fisherman villager trades
- They will buy varying amounts of sea life and give you emeralds in return
- Added trades for the Wandering Villager
- Trade them pearls in exchange for some lovely ocean goods
- Added new translations for Simplified Chinese and Russian, thank you to Junnaturefox and Shellgryphon
- Fixed recipe for Crab Cakes not being present
- Renamed "Crab Legs" to "Crab Leg"
Crabber's Delight 1.0.1
- Added vanilla loot tables to add clams, crabs, clawsters, and shrimp to the fishing loot table
-- This makes the Fisherman's Trap mod a optional dependency, and not a requirement for the mod
- Updated the logo after a redesign
Initial Release