- [🐛] Fixed crashes clicking F11
- [🐛] Fixed crashes on server-side (mod has no srv features, but it might not crash)
- [🐛] Fixed few mistakes
- [✨] Added option "ModpackMode": disables chloride pages registration (forces applied configs)
- [✨] Added Zoom key defaulted to (C)
- 🛠️ It gots disabled by default when JustZoom or Zume is installed
- [🛠️] Replace ForgeConfigAPI with a custom config utility
- [🛠️] Renamed Metrics page to Overlay
- [🛠️] Removed Zume translations
- [🛠️] Removed Zume integrations
- [🛠️] Updated all JEI, REI and EMI integrations to their latest versions
- [🐛] Fixed crashes caused by Create 0.6.1 (new Flywheel Update)
- [🐛] Fixed crashes with Cubes without Borders
- [🐛] Fixed crashes with Forgery
RELEASE 1.2.14
- [🐛] Fix AVG FPS count didn't get updated after open F3
RELEASE 1.2.13
- [🐛] Fixed crashes due to non-renamed accessors (fixes BadOptimizations mod crashes)
RELEASE 1.2.13
- [🐛] Rebuild to fix broken mixins refmaps
- [❌] 1.19.2 and 1.18.2 is still dropped
RELEASE 1.2.12
- [🐛] Rebuild to fix broken mixins refmaps
- [❌] 1.19.2 and 1.18.2 is still dropped
RELEASE 1.2.11
- [🐛] Fixed missing MixinExtra dependency
- [❌] 1.19.2 and 1.18.2 is still dropped
RELEASE 1.2.12
- [🛠️] Unshipped MixinExtra (embeddium has it now)
- [🛠️] Re-moved unused resources
- [🛠️] Performed some sanity changes on the codee
RELEASE 1.2.11
- [🐛] Fixed NullPointerException crashes opening video settings (mb)
RELEASE 1.2.10
- [❌] Dropped 1.18.2 and 1.19.2 (this version will be the last release of EMB++ for those versions)
- [❌] (1.18-1.19) Removed ZUME integration (prevent crashes with modern zume)
- [🌐] Updated translations (I forgot to rebase again)
- [🍾] Updated Russian translation (by mpustovoi)
- [🛠️] Removed optional dependency of Textrues Embeeddium Options
- [🛠️] Bumped zume version range (and added support for zume 0.19)
- [🛠️] Removed mixins related to embeddium (now uses embeddium events)
- [🛠️] Deprecated zume config screen in favor of future zume releases (And Embeddium++Additions)
- [🌐] Updated translations
- [🍾] Updated Russian translation (by mpustovoi)