Updated to 1.21.4
Full Changelog: https://github.com/ThePhaseCat/Area-Assistor/compare/v2.0.2.1...v2.0.3
Updated internals for 1.21.2 and 1.21.3 support!
i just bumped the internal owo lib version, that's it
(ignore the github tag it's wrong lol)
It's been a while, but we finally have a new version with new content (kinda)
- Completely rebuilt UI system using owo-lib
- Every feature has been ported over with a new coat of paint
- Added support for 1.21
Changes from Beta
- Fixed inside area selected check
- Updated owo-lib
What's Changed
- v2.0.0 by @ThePhaseCat in https://github.com/ThePhaseCat/Area-Assistor/pull/11
Full Changelog: https://github.com/ThePhaseCat/Area-Assistor/compare/v1.6.0...v2.0.1
This is another pretty small update, but I am looking into maybe reworking the GUI system, but we'll see if that gets anywhere
- Updated to 1.20.6
- Updated internal libraries
- Using Netherite Tools and selecting enchants with them does not work (probably bugged, will fix eventually)
- https://github.com/ThePhaseCat/Area-Assistor/issues/10
What's Changed
- 1.20.2 by @ThePhaseCat in https://github.com/ThePhaseCat/Area-Assistor/pull/6
- bumped gui library version by @ThePhaseCat in https://github.com/ThePhaseCat/Area-Assistor/pull/7
- 1.20.4 support by @ThePhaseCat in https://github.com/ThePhaseCat/Area-Assistor/pull/8
- 1.20.6 support by @ThePhaseCat in https://github.com/ThePhaseCat/Area-Assistor/pull/9
New Contributors
- @ThePhaseCat made their first contribution in https://github.com/ThePhaseCat/Area-Assistor/pull/6
Full Changelog: https://github.com/ThePhaseCat/Area-Assistor/compare/v1.5.0...v1.6.0
This is a pretty small update, but adds a huge quality of life feature!
- Added a scroll bar to the blocks gui screen! If you have tons of different blocks in the area, you'll be able to see all of them now!
- Bumped internal library versions
- Removed Main Class thing as this mod is fully client-side
Full Changelog: https://github.com/ThePhaseCat/Area-Assistor/compare/v1.2.0...v1.5.0
Bumped version up to 1.20.4!
What's Changed
- 1.20.4 support by @ThePhaseCat in https://github.com/ThePhaseCat/Area-Assistor/pull/8
Full Changelog: https://github.com/ThePhaseCat/Area-Assistor/compare/v1.3.1...v1.4.0
Quick update just to keep the GUI library updated!
-Updated the GUI library version
This literally adds 1.20.2 support, and drops the 1.20-1.20.1 support. There are no other features because I had to wait over a month for the GUI library to update!
What's Changed
- 1.20.2 by @ThePhaseCat in https://github.com/ThePhaseCat/Area-Assistor/pull/6
New Contributors
- @ThePhaseCat made their first contribution in https://github.com/ThePhaseCat/Area-Assistor/pull/6
Full Changelog: https://github.com/ThePhaseCat/Area-Assistor/compare/v1.2.0...v1.3.0
This is finally an update that adds new features into this mod! With this update, all features from my java application (MineCalc) are now in this mod!
Blocks in Area Service
- This can be accessed in the revamped Area Information Tab in the Main GUI!
- Details all the blocks in the area you have selected, and how many of each there are in the area selected!
- If you have a massive variety of blocks, the text may go off-screen :(
Changes in Area Information Tab
- Revamped Area Information Tab in the Main GUI
- Added new labels to the Area Information Tab detailing what name the block is at selected points to calculate the area
- Added new check to see if you (The Player) is inside the area you selected. It will either be true or false
Other Changes
- Moved around the order of the Main GUI
- Changed a lot of internal stuff
- Removed a lot of internal stuff
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a lot of internal bugs related to selecting blocks and calculating areas. Now, you should be able to pick the blocks in any order and direction you want for the area to be correctly calculated!
What's Changed
- Clean up a bit by @trainb0y in https://github.com/ThePhaseCat/Area-Assistor/pull/3
Full Changelog: https://github.com/ThePhaseCat/Area-Assistor/compare/v1.1.1...v1.2.0
This is a pretty minor update.
Added support for 1.20.1 and 1.20 in the same .jar file!
Updated internal libraries to stable versions.
The mod has now been updated to 1.20! That's the entire update, so enjoy!
First release!