Update to ae2 beta by @shartte in https://github.com/Mari023/AE2WirelessTerminalLibrary/pull/107 fix #104 add background textures and tooltips to upgrade card slots
update to latest ae2 use own names for slots instead of reusing ae2 names add Korean Translation by @gyular #100 allow tab focus for magnet card and switch terminals buttons update to use mojmap since ae2 uses them too
update ae2
update ae2 fix a bug where opening a terminal from trinkets wouldn't work
correctly return from submenus fix some translation keys
As with ae2, expect your 1.17 worlds to not work
update ae2 correctly set version in game don't apply mixins if the target mod doesn't exist (removes some warnings)
don't reference the Screen class from the container class (fix crash on server)
update ae2
update ae2 add fluid substitution to the wireless pattern terminal
update to latest ae2
fix linking tooltip fix not being able to open the wireless crafting terminal on a dedicated server
update to latest ae2
improve shift clicking in the pattern terminal fix REI issues with the wireless Universal Terminal crafting recipe
update to latest ae2
fix Wireless Interface Terminal putting an encoded Pattern in a Wireless Pattern Terminal now correctly loads the recipe
fix REI sometimes not moving items correctly in crafting/pattern terminal