- updated to Minecraft 1.20.4
- updated to Minecraft 1.20.3
- added compatability to
Enchanted Vertical Slabs
- added compatibility to
- added compatibility to Create
- added compatibility to More Geodes
- added compatibility to Music Maker Mod
- added compatibility to Nature's Compass
- added compatibility to Waystones
- added Cobblestone to material_consistency
- added Glass to material_consistency
- added Trapped Chest to material_consistency
- added Book from material_reverting
- added Chest from matrial_reverting
- added Compass from material_reverting
- added Netherrack from material_reverting
- added Netherrack from more_stonecutting
- updated Gravel from more_stonecutting
- added compatibility to
- added compatibility to
Cobblemon Unimplemented Items
- added compatibility to
Explorer's Compass
- added compatibility to
Fishing Paradise
- added compatibility to
Unordinary Basics
- transfered assets
- modified
recipe to have higher yield - updated
recipe to the Minecraft1.21.2
recipe instead
- made compatible with 1.20
- renamed to "Recipes Plus"
- added universal dyeing
- added 20+ dye related recipes
- added slabs to blocks
- added stairs to slabs
- added Pottery Sherd duplication
- added 100+ stonecutting recipes
Loot Tables:
- made Stone Slabs & Stairs drop their Cobblestone variants when mined without Silk Touch
- added all Cracked Blocks, Stone Buttons, Stone Pressure Plates, and Nether Brick Fence to stonecutting
- added Arrow & Map clearing
- added Bowl & Glass Bottle emptying
- added Cut Sandstone Slabs from Sandstone Slabs
- added Dirt from Dirt Blocks
- added Fermented Spider Eye from Red Mushroom
- added Leather from Book
- added Paper from Banner Patterns
- added Raw Ore Block smelting
- added Stick from Saplings
- added recipes for the following; Bundle, Cobweb, Coral Block, Flint, Horse Armors, Mushroom Blocks, & Saddle
- Moss can now be added/removed to/from any Cobblestone/Stone Brick block
- the following can be created in the crafting table using the ingredients to make them in-game; Basalt, Cobblestone, Concrete, Mud, Obsidian, Stone, Wet Sponge
- the following can now be retrieved from their block variants; Amethyst Shard, Brick, Clay Ball, Glowstone Dust, Honeycomb, Ice, Melon Slice, Nether Brick, Nether Quartz, Packed Ice, Prismarine Shard, Snow Ball
- deepslate brick variants (stairs/slabs/walls) can now be tiled
- the following have variants (stairs/slabs/walls) that can now be polished; Andesite, Blackstone, Deepslate, Diorite, Granite
- the following have variants (stairs/slabs/walls) that can now be smelted; Cobblestone, Quartz, Red Sandstone, Sandstone, Stone
- the following materials have variants (stairs/slabs/walls) that can now be turned into bricks; Polished Blackstone, Polished Deepslate, Stone
- removed Dye smelting from Crimson & Warped Fungus
- removed extra Minecart recipes
- removed Guilded Blackstone smelting
- removed interchangability between Chiseled Polished Blackstone/Chiseled Stone, Polished Blackstone & Stone, and Soulsand & Sand
- added the following to the stone_tool_materials tag; Stone, Mossy Cobblestone, Granite, Diorite, Andesite, Flint
- made compatible with 1.19
- Updated to 1.18