Added Grenades and Fixed the Dragon Drum Shotgun Model Requiring Substantial Power to Render
Fixed Syntax Issues Improved Gun Scopes Used More Efficient Item Model System
Small Update: Made Scoped Rifles and RPG use camera overlay, leaving the title section unmodified
- Improved Headshot Recognition
- Fixed Syntax Issues in 1.21.2
Fixed particle spam when firing shotguns and patched transparent longarm enforcer texture. Updated for all versions of 1.21
Fixed particle spam when firing shotguns and patched transparent longarm enforcer texture Updated for all versions of 1.21
- Added ability to turn off breaking blocks (/function thepa:utilities/break_blocks)
- Fixed mainhand spray patterns recoil option being too accurate, added bloom unless in offhand
- Optimized scoreboard initialization
- Rebalanced TTK on many weapons, balancing them
- Drastically improved hit detection and headshot detection
- Fixed headshot sound bug when entity is killed
- Fixed headshot sound bug when entity being shot is a player
- Added more mob hit detection
Fixed shooting yourself bug (after 2 years), Fixed kill credit system occasionally resetting UUID, Patched Occasional multiplayer loud noise reload bug, Readded turret functionality, Added tag to allow for infinite reload without ammo,
/tag @s add inf_reload
Sped up game tps marginally! Fixed infinate ammo and magazine size glitch
Patched Reload error in V5.7.0
Updated the Aug texture to not be translucent and fixed the recoil it had when CAMERA_MOVEMENT setting was enabled
Updated Shotguns to be roughly 50x less laggy, added more mobs to the list of affected mobs, and fixed the BFG9000's ending explosion.
Added the BFG9000 from doom, and made the shrink ray work on all mobs and players!