RFTools (Legacy)
Blocks and items to help with Redflux (dimension builder, crafter, monitor, scanner, etc.)
RFTools (Legacy) has been archived. RFTools (Legacy) will not receive any further updates unless the author decides to unarchive the project.
- GUI Related changes:
- Every GUI in RFTools now has a little '?' button next to it. Press that button to open the relevant page from the manual (works even if you don't have the manual).
- Every GUI in RFTools now has a little 's' button. With this button you can toggle between two (currently) different styles: flat and bevel. By default this is set to 'flat'. Changing that will change the appearance of some of the lists (currently only the modular storage, the storage scanner, the crafter, rf and liquid monitors and the shield system support this). This setting is remembered per player.
- Improved the GUI's for a number of devices: dialing device, matter transmitter and receiver, rf monitor, liquid monitor, and crafter. The crafter now has a nicer line in the list of recipes.
- Moved the player settings for the buff icons to the player data. That way it is now also possible to change the buff icon locations when playing on a server. This does mean that you have to do the /rftcfg buffs command again in case you have customized this.
- Added a /rftcfg reset command to reset all player specific preferences to defaults (currently only gui style and buff bar location).
- Added a /rftcfg setstyle to set the current GUI style (same effect as changing the style from within the gui itself).
- The network monitor item gui is now improved
- Improved layout for the chamber card overview window
- Security System:
- All blocks (when placed down) will automatically be assigned an owner (which a non-admin cannot change). As such ownership does nothing but in combination with a security setting that you can control with security cards and the security manager you can control who has access to the GUI of that block.
- New security manager block and security cards. Both blacklist and whitelist mode are supported. Changing the security settings on a card automatically updates that security on all machines that are linked to that card.
- Pressing shift while looking at the WAILA tooltip for a block will show the owner and security info.
- Storage System:
- The 'remote cycle' button is now disabled if you have a non-remote storage module in your tablet.
- The 'compact' button now works for a non-remote storage module too (previously it only worked for remote storage modules in the tablet or if a storage module was put in a modular storage block)
- Fixed a cheaty way to generate power. If you had a storage tablet with power and you extracted the storage module from it then the storage module would also have a (hidden) power tag. Combining that storage module with another (empty) tablet would immediatelly copy that power to the tablet (while the original tablet would also still have its power).
- Apparently you could also crash RFTools by trying to put a tablet into itself containing a remote module. I already fixed this for non-remote but it was buggy for remote too.
- Wireless redstone:
- It is now possible to link a button module to an already existing channel. That allows you to create more buttons for the same redstone channel.
- Redstone transmitters no longer delete their channel when they are broken
- It is now possible to link a redstone transmitter to an already existing channel (right click with transmitter on another transmitter/receiver).
- Dimension related changes:
- Fixed single biome controller. It was totally broken.
- Fixed a missing classification as a craftable dimlet for terrain flat
- Did an attempt at rebalancing more liquid and material dimlets: liquid bedrockium, refined molten glowstone, molten fairy, molten aridte, molten celenegil, molten enderium, molten obsidian, molten manyullyn, purifying fluid, osmium ore, several project red ores, fluorite ore, and phosphorite.
- Various:
- Added a new config option to control how much power the endergenic generator can generate. By default this is set to 2 (double from what it did before) to encourage more people from trying this out.
- Changed an init/shutdown message in RFTools so that people no longer mistakenly think that RFTools causes the 'server to shutdown'
- The Simple Dialer now also supports 'Dial Once' mode. Hit it with a wrench to toggle modes.
- Made the WAILA tooltip for the absorber blocks more compact.
- Fixed a problem where placing a screen at a bad angle would sometimes fail to place the screen correctly.
rftools-3.10.jar(2.67 MiB) Primary
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